Monday, March 8, 2010

Will Vice President Biden Announce That Israel Is Now Protected Under The US Nuclear Umbrella?

Will US Vice President Extend Nuclear Protection To Israel? -- Globes

Joseph Biden will give a major speech at Tel Aviv University during his upcoming visit, and a key point will be US commitment to Israel's security.

US Vice President Joseph Biden will ask Israel's leadership not to make a unilateral attack on Iranian nuclear targets. Biden will arrive in Israel tomorrow for a three-day visit, during which he will give a speech at Tel Aviv University.

US administration officials compare the importance of Biden's planned speech to the speech by President Barack Obama at Cairo University last year, which repositioned US-Arab relations.

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My comment: I will be surprised if this becomes the case. VP Biden's priority is on pushing the Israel-Palestinian peace process, not to put Israel under America's nuclear umbrella.

But if he does make that speech, it will be a clear sign to everyone that the US has now decided to accept a nuclear Iran .... and the consequences that it will entail.

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