Friday, March 19, 2010

Is The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict A Security Threat?

Why US Sees Israeli-Palestinian Conflict As A Security Threat -- Christian Science Monitor

A growing roster of US officials is arguing that a failure to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fuels Islamic extremism, thus creating a security threat for the US.

As the United States and Israel navigate one of their most serious contretemps in years, a growing roster of American officials is making the argument that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict poses a national-security threat to the US.

Prominent figures – ranging from Gen. David Petraeus, head of the US Central Command, to presidential adviser David Axelrod – have recently espoused the theory that a failure to resolve the decades-old crisis fuels Islamic extremism and Iranian designs in the region. Moreover, the thinking goes, the US appears weak and open to disregard when an ally such as Israel openly challenges American diplomatic efforts. America has been widely viewed in the region as the sole power able to force the two sides in the conflict to take actions toward peace.

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My Comment: If there is one thing that I have learned from the Israeli - Palestinian conflict ... it is not the establishment of settlements, the building of a wall, or the slow pace of "peace negotiations" that grates on the minds of Islamic radicals .... what galvanizes them more than anything else is the existence of a place like Tel Aviv. Everyday that this city (a symbol of a modern Israel) exists .... helps to galvanize and fuel that sentiment of Islamic extremism.

Unfortunately .... the US administration has a different point of view and a different policy .... a policy that will probably only add more fuel to this conflict and a growing sense (for both Israelis and Palestinians) of being alienated from everyone else.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Disagee on this.

The existence of Israel is a ground reality in the Middle East and everyone accepts that, no matter what they say.

The Islamic radicals have their constituencies from which they draw support so they have to appease them.

However at the end of the day realpolitik dictates that the only practical solution is a negotiated peace. They know that and the Israelis do to.

The game for both sides is to create their best possible ground reality so they can go into final negotiations from a position of strength.

Basically all the bloodshed could be avoided if they were brave enough to stop with the jostling for position.