Monday, March 22, 2010

Pakistan Civil War News Updates -- March 22, 2010

In Pakistan's Swat, Taliban Instill Fear After Defeat -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Kishwar Begum studied nursing until she apparently decided to take lives, not help save them.

Her photograph appears on the front-page of a newspaper identifying her as a would-be suicide bomber, still at large in the Swat Valley, a former Taliban bastion seized by Pakistan's army in a major offensive nearly a year ago.

Many Taliban were killed. Others melted away, leaving residents fearful the militants will return if the army leaves and hands over security to a struggling police force.

Read more ....

More News On Pakistan

Pakistan police: Plot foiled on hotels, diplomats -- Washington Post/AP
Pakistan foils plot to bomb Western targets -- Reuters
U.S. missile strike kills 8 militants in Pakistan -- Reuters
Officials: 5 militants killed in Pakistan by drone -- CNN
At least seven militants killed in Orakzai -- Dawn
Taliban behead three 'US spies' in Pakistan --
Pakistan Tribes Say U.S. Must to Root Out Militants for Peace -- Business Week/Bloomberg
Talks with the Taliban -- DAWN

Army Chief Driving Pakistan’s Agenda for Talks -- New York Times
General Kayani in Washington; Pakistan’s most powerful man -- Reuters
Kayani's key role in strategic talks with US shows who calls the shots in Pak: NYT -- One India

Pakistan to Look at Nuclear Scientist’s Ties to Iran -- New York Times
Pakistan Renews Scrutiny of Nuclear Pioneer -- CBS News
Pakistan seeks to probe nuclear secrets scientist -- Reuters

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