Monday, March 22, 2010

Is America Oblivious To The Wars In Iraq And Afghanistan?

Historic downtown York is quiet on a winter day. A city in south central Pennsylvania, York was founded in 1741 and during the Revolutionary War served as the temporary capital of the Continental Congress. Mary Knox Merrill/Staff

Iraq And Afghanistan: America's Invisible Wars -- Christian Science Monitor

After seven years in Iraq and nine in Afghanistan, residents of York, Pa., talk about how the wars have become like a screen saver: always there but rarely acknowledged.

Standing in Continental Square in this southern Pennsylvania town in the early 1940s, it wouldn't have taken long to divine the subject foremost in the minds of the citizenry.

You would have seen young men in olive-drab uniforms trudging up from the train station, looking for something to do to kill the few hours of their layover. Many of them would have dropped by the USO post in the square, where they would have been directed to an old schoolhouse over on Beaver Street to grab a bite to eat, play board games, and, if they stayed long enough, enjoy a dance with a pretty local girl.

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My Comment: With the exception of the families who have love ones fighting in these war zones, everyone else is oblivious to these wars .... especially now. There are probably many reasons why this is the case .... lack of political opposition from the Democrats since they assumed power, the media is more focused on President Obama's domestic agenda, economic problems and high unemployment for many .... I can produce a long list, and all of it would be valid.

What will change all of this will be if the Afghan war escalates, Iraq falls back into civil war, or another 9/11 occurs. But for the moment .... it appears that this is not going to be the case.

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