Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Should Venezuela Be Declared A State Sponsor Of Terrorism?

Venezuela's Chavez and Colombia's Uribe

Hugo Chávez And Terrorism -- Wall Street Journal Opinion

In Spain too, the Venezuelan strong man has allegedly collaborated with terrorists.

Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chávez has been exporting his "Bolivarian" revolution from the day he came to power 11 years ago. This week, a Spanish judge opened a window on the methods that revolution allegedly entails.

In indictments Monday, Judge Eloy Velasco accused six members of the Basque separatist-terrorist group ETA and seven members of Colombia's narcoterrorist FARC of conspiring to assassinate senior Colombian officials, including President Alvaro Uribe and predecessor Andres Pastrana, during their visits to Spain.

Read more ....

More News On Venezuela

The Unraveling of Hugo Chávez and His Terrorist Ties -- Counter Terrorism Blog
Venezuela Won't Help With Spain ETA, FARC Probe -- Wall Street Journal
Venezuela 'will assist Eta probe' by Spain -- BBC
Venezuelan Government Rejects Accusations of Links to Colombian Guerrilla and Spain’s ETA -- Venezuelanalysis
'I have nothing to explain,' Chavez tells Spain -- ABS CBN/AFP
Colombia wants talks with Venezuela over Spain FARC claims -- Colombia Reports
Venezuelan and Colombian FMs to meet soon to arrange Chávez-Uribe meeting -- El Universal
Dom Rep president to mediate between Colombia and Venezuela -- Colombia Reports
Venezuela's ambassador to Spain denies links with ETA -- El Universal
The Spanish Noose Around Chavez's Neck -- Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Real Clear World
Spain Probes ETA-FARC Connection -- America's Quarterly

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