Wednesday, March 3, 2010

US Congress Decides To Revisit The Armenian Genocide ..... Again

Inside the Genocide monument. Photo from Armeniapedia

Turkey, on Edge, Watches U.S. Vote On Armenia -- Wall Street journal

Washington's Shift on Armenian Genocide Debate Angers Ankara.

ISTANBUL—A U.S. congressional vote on how to define the 1915 slaughter of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, expected Thursday, is turning into a game of brinksmanship between the White House and Ankara.

In previous years, Congress has attempted to pass a resolution to recognize the Armenian events as genocide. Such a resolution would inflame Turkey and has brought vows from past U.S. administrations that they would block the bill, a nod to Turkey's role as a key ally of Washington in the Middle East.

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More News On The US Congress And The Armenian Genocide

Turkey seeks to avert genocide vote in US Congress -- AP
House panel may revive Armenian genocide resolution -- L.A. Times
As Armenian genocide resolution moves toward vote, support is tenuous -- Miami Herald
Ankara watching U.S. measure on Armenia -- UPI
US Congressional Panel Considers Armenian Genocide Resolution -- Voice of America
Obama in a bind over Armenian genocide vote -- AP
Congressional opponents spar over 'genocide' resolution -- Examiner
The Armenian genocide resolution is a farce all around -- Henri J. Barkey, Washington Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm that's very interessting but frankly i have a hard time seeing it... I'm wondering what others have to say....