Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thousands Flee After Slaughter In Nigeria

Nigerians Recount Night of Their Bloody Revenge -- New York Times

JOS, Nigeria — Dispassionately, the baby-faced young man recounted his killings: two women and one man, first beaten senseless with a stick, then stabbed to death with a short knife.

The man, Dahiru Adamu, 25, was crouching on the floor in the sprawling police headquarters here, summoned to give an accounting of the terrible night of March 7, when, he said, he and dozens of other herdsmen descended on a slumbering village just south of here and slaughtered hundreds with machetes, knives and cutlasses in a brutal act of sectarian retribution.

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More News On Nigeria

Police charge 49 with murder after Nigeria sectarian massacre -- The Guardian
Nigeria killings: 49 charged -- BBC
Murder charges likely over Nigerian massacre -- ABC News (Australia)
Nigerian killings 'acts of revenge' -- The Australian
Militia's hunt for guns renews fears of Nigeria violence -- The Independent
Thousands flee after weekend slaughter in Nigeria -- AP
Tapestry of violence haunts central Nigeria -- AP
Nigerian survivors recall Jos massacre -- BBC
Religious leaders must unite to beat Nigeria’s extremists -- Times Online

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