Monday, March 22, 2010

U.S. - Iran Overtures Are Going Nowhere

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Rejects New Obama Offer Of Dialogue As A 'Plot' -- Times Online

Iran’s Supreme Leader yesterday rejected a renewed offer of dialogue with Washington from President Obama, and accused the US of continuing to plot against Tehran while offering peace.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused Mr Obama of arrogance for using a Persian new year message to repeat his offer of talks — intended to defuse mounting international concern that Iran is building a nuclear bomb.

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More News On U.S. - Iran Relations

Iran’s Leaders Respond to Obama -- New York Times
Obama Offer Is Denounced by Ayatollah -- New York Times/AP
Iranian Supreme Leader: US Actions Don't Match Words -- Voice of America
Obama not trustworthy despite new year message: Khamenei -- Times Of India

Clinton: US wants biting sanctions on Iran -- Yahoo News/AP
Clinton sees growing consensus on Iran sanctions -- Yahoo News/Reuters
U.S. will use harsh sanctions to defuse nuclear Iran, says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- New York Daily News

Israel Lobby Wants Iran to Top the U.S. Agenda -- Time Magazine
Iran Sanctions: The Sobering Lessons of Marc Rich -- ABC News

Iran protests: Is Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei winning? -- Christian Science Monitor
The struggle inside Iran: The opposition marks time -- The Economist

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