Monday, March 22, 2010

Will China Become The World's Dominant Military Power

Beijing's military planners know they cannot rely on
China's size alone as a deterrent Photo: REUTERS

Rousing China To Military Dominance -- Newsweek

As China prepares to become the world's second-largest economy in 2010, its leaders are struggling to express a convincing and satisfying ideology that assuages international fears about the country's global intentions. Having taken note of how Soviet overextension and belligerence led to the U.S.S.R.'s downfall--and how the perceived arrogance of American hegemony has alienated many of Washington's key allies--Beijing has been peddling a theory called "Peaceful Rise." It goes like this: China's rise won't shake the rest of the world, unlike the ascent of the great empires that preceded it. China will "only focus on its core interests" (Taiwan and Tibet, for example), say party spokesmen; China "wouldn't invade anyone in 10,000 years."

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My Comment: A realistic summary of what role the Chinese military will play in its foreign policy. The key part of this report is the following ....

The latest hawkish call to arms is from Ling Mingfu, a senior colonel and professor at China's National Defense University, whose new book, The China Dream, argues that the country must aim for long-term military dominance so that America does not try to neutralize its power.

While this article focuses on the Chinese relationship with the U.S., other Asian countries are becoming very disturbed by this Chinese mindset. In this list I include Japan, Korea, Australia, India, and Vietnam.

As to the question .... will China become the world's dominant military power? I will say yes not because China competed and won over the US in this category .... but because the U.S. decided to abdicate its role in being the world's only superpower .... a point that it will reach when it decides that it could no longer afford the position. Lets face it .... trillion dollar plus deficits will ultimately catch up to you one day.


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