Monday, April 19, 2010

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- April 19, 2010

Who Else Is Feeling The Eyjafjallajökull Effect? -- Elizabeth Dickinson, Foreign Policy

As Eyjafjallajökull leaves skies over Europe at least partially shut down today, the economic devestation is adding up. But as analysts are quickly realizing, harm to the airline industry, estimated at $200 million per day, is just the beginning of the mess. The least noticed losers, in fact, are not in Europe at all. They're the many industries that rely on Europe as a market for delicate or perishable products. Here are just a few, and the estimated costs of the airline shut-down:

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

What Would Mossad Do To Bin Laden: Inglorious Zionests -- Abe Novick, Jerusalem Post

Obama dismays Egypt's reform advocates -- Stephen McInerney, Daily Star

Thailand’s political conflict takes on a military colour -- Jeremy Walden-Schertz, The National

UK General Election 2010: If nothing else, Nick Clegg has held up a mirror to David Cameron's defects -- Mary Riddell, The Telegraph

How radical Islam might defeat the West: A reprise -- Spengler, Asia Times

The Fall of the House of Mugabe: And the prevailing myth. -- John Noonan, Weekly Standard

War of words over President Obama's soft tone -- Josh Gerstein

An alarming outbreak of 'regime' amnesia -- Byron York, Washington Examiner

The Real Demographic Threat In Israel -- Evelyn Gordon, Commentary Magazine

Bond-Buyers Voting against Obamanomics -- Jeffrey Folks, American Thinker

Frayed nerves with WH press corps -- Armstrong Williams, Townhall

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