Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Attorney General Eric Holder With The Blessing Of The White House Now Controls The Information Flow From Our Intelligence Agencies

Holder Tightens Grip On Intelligence Agencies -- Jed Babbin, Real Clear Politics

Attorney General Eric Holder has tightened his grip on our intelligence agencies, requiring them to get Justice Department permission to release classified information to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, according to Senate sources.

Sen. Christopher Bond (R-Mo), Ranking Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and three Senate staffers working for other members have recently asked the Director of National Intelligence for information on the interrogation of the failed Times Square bomber, Faisal Shazad. (Some of questions may have been directed at other intelligence matters as well.)

All four were told the information will not be provided until the Justice Department approved the transaction.

Read more ....

My Comment: Jed Babbin hits it on the nail in illustrating on how politicized America's intelligence agencies have become. By controlling the flow of information Congress will limited in exercising its oversight responsibilities .... but then again that is probably what the White House wanted in the first place.


Anonymous said...

The politics taking place under Obama had a precedent under Bush, and tight controls that you believe Obama wants were also put in place under Bush. I have no problem in pointing to failures from Obama administration but you seem to believe it all began the day Obama took office and had not existed prior to that. Your bias shows up daily, spoiling your comments if not your postings.

WNU Editor said...

Thank you Anonymous for your comment. When George Bush was President, I never hesitated to criticize his policies when I disagreed with them.

But George Bush is not the President, President Obama is the President. My focus is on him, and not on some past President.

As to criticism of AG Holder and his involvement on the flow of intelligence information .... this is now becoming bipartisan, with many Democrats not being happy with these trends.