Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 19, 2010

Missile Defenders Blast Critics After Interceptor Attack -- The Danger Room

The Missile Defense Agency, the Pentagon directorate charged with developing anti-missile technology, might want to consider a new line of defense: Intercepting articles by critic Theodore Postol before they land in reporters’ inboxes.

Postol’s record as a missile-defense skeptic is well established: The MIT professor famously — and correctly — questioned the Army’s claims about the effectiveness of the Patriot air defense system, and he’s punched holes in a lot of assumptions about how things like Ground-based Midcourse Defense would work. Now he and a colleague are taking aim at the Standard Missile-3 (SM-3), the centerpiece of the Obama administration’s revamped missile defense plan.

Read more ....


Missile Defense Agency Responds to New York Times Article -- DoD Live

Hezbollah’s Growing Ballistic Missile Stockpile Turns From Terror Threat to Military Threat -- Defense Tech

France frets over fighter sale to Brazil -- Reuters

Japan Won't Be Ready To Resolve Futenma Disagreement With Clinton -- Defense News

China converts 737s into military surveillance aircraft first -- DEW Line

The Pacific Balance of Power at Sea -- War Is Boring

U.S. Carrier's Construction Issues 'Minimal'
-- Defense News

ACH Helmet Recalls Hits 2nd Manufacturer -- Defense Industry Daily

CV-22 Lost Due to Pilot Error -- DoD Buzz

U.S. Lawmakers want to expand Super Hornet buy -- Navy Times

NATO emphasizes defense spending despite crisis -- Reuters

How The War On IEDs Is Fought
-- Strategy Page

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