Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How European Human Rights Laws Prevents The Deportation Of Known Al Qaeda Terrorists In Britain

Al-Qaeda Bomb Plot Pair Cannot Be Deported, Court Rules -- The Telegraph

A pair of suspected al-Qaeda terrorists who allegedly plotted to bomb a packed shopping centre cannot be deported to Pakistan because it would breach their human rights, a tribunal ruled.

Abid Naseer and Ahmad Faraz Khan won the right to stay in Britain even though the court accepted they were planning an “imminent” attack in Manchester when they were arrested last year.

A judge said he was “satisfied” that ringleader Naseer, in particular, “still poses a serious threat to the national security of the United Kingdom” but his hands were tied by human rights law because the two men might be tortured if they were sent home.

Read more ....

My Comment: So .... with this ruling the British taxpayer is now going to be stuck with a bill that will probably run into the millions of pounds to keep these terrorists under wraps. Will the new Government change this idiocy .... my betting is that PM Cameron will not.

Are you outraged with this stupidity .... if I was living in Great Britain I will be going ballistic.


Marcase said...

Sure they can stay; I hear the Tower of London still has a room available.

dprosenthal said...

Human rights laws should only apply to human beings. I hardly think that these murderous, savage terrorists qualify for entry into that category.