Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Can A U.S. Citizen Who Kills Osama Bin Laden Be Prosecuted For Murder?

Is It Legal To Kill Osama bin Laden? -- Foreign Policy

Not really. But if you act alone, you're probably in the clear.

Gary Faulkner, the American man detained in Pakistan while trying to kill Osama bin Laden, will be released this week without charges, according to his family. The 52-year-old Colorado construction worker was arrested last week in northwest Pakistan for carrying weapons -- including a pistol and 40-inch sword -- without a permit. Questions of practicality (and sanity) aside, had Faulkner succeeded, could he have been charged with murder?

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My Comment: If someone is successful in killing Bin Laden, and if a U.S. prosecutor threatens to prosecute such an individual for murder .... the outcry and protests from millions of Americans will make this prosecutor's life a living hell.

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