Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chimpanzees Also Conduct Group Warfare

AGGRESSION A young male chimp in Uganda’s Kibale National Park leaps on the body of a victim killed in an attack. John Mitani

Scientists Confirm That Chimps Go to War Too -- Time Magazine

It's obvious that humans are fundamentally different from other animal species. It's not so easy, though, to identify the traits that make Homo sapiens so special. Scientists realized long ago that other animals make tools, play jokes and even have a sense of justice and altruism — all things we once thought were unique to our species.

Now a paper in the journal Current Biology has added another behavior to the list of what other animals share with us — and this one isn't quite so charming. After years of field observations in Uganda's Kibale National Park, John Mitani of the University of Michigan and several colleagues have concluded that chimps wage war to conquer new territory.

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More News On Studies Linking Chimps To "Acts Of War"

Chimps Kill for Land–but Does That Shed Light on Human Warfare? -- Discover
Chimpanzees 'launch murderous sprees to expand their territories' -- The Independent
Chimpanzees will kill to conquer territory, study finds -- L.A. Times
Chimps, Too, Wage War and Annex Rival Territory -- New York Times
Chimp Gangs Kill to Expand Territory -- National Geographic
Thought chimpanzees were cuddly? Forget it - they're ruthless killers with a taste for gang warfare -- The Daily Mail
What Drives a Chimp to Murder? -- CBS News
Homicide: Chimpanzee Turf Wars - June 22, 2010 -- Nature
Chimps kill neighbours to expand territory -- DNAIndia
Researchers See Chimps Waging "War" -- ABC News
Chimpanzees expand their territory by attacking and killing neighbours -- The Guardian
Chimpanzees gangs 'build empires' by killing neighbours in turf wars -- The Telegraph

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