Friday, July 23, 2010

Update: Pentagon Getting Ready For Budget Cuts And

Pentagon Faces Growing Pressures to Trim Budget -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — After nearly a decade of rapid increases in military spending, the Pentagon is facing intensifying political and economic pressures to restrain its budget, setting up the first serious debate since the terrorist attacks of 2001 about the size and cost of the armed services.

Lawmakers, administration officials and analysts said the combination of big budget deficits, the winding down of the war in Iraq and President Obama’s pledge to begin pulling troops from Afghanistan next year were leading Congress to contemplate reductions in Pentagon financing requests.

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More News On The Upcoming Budget Cuts For The Pentagon

Pentagon Budget Could Be Target For Cuts -- NPR
Efficiency Experts Take on the Pentagon -- Wall Street Journal
Democrats in Congress move to get their pound of flesh from the military while they still have time -- Military & Aerospace
Business Board: Close U.S. JFCOM, Freeze Hiring -- Defense News
New Office Aims to Reduce Military’s Fuel Usage -- U.S. Department of Defense

Momentum Builds For Defense-Spending Cuts -- Foreign Policy
Panel: Pentagon should freeze hiring, slash management -- Government Executive
Rethinking the Defense Budget…Yet Again -- Heritage Foundation
U.S. War-Bill Delay Imperils Civilian Salaries, Ops -- Defense News
Pentagon looking for supplemental funds -- UPI
Troubles loom for some military pay -- Government Executive
Absent Supplemental, Pentagon Furloughs Begin Next Month -- DoD Buzz
Contractors aim to trim the fat -- Politico
Joint Strike Fighter's GE jet engine: We can't afford it -- L.A. Times

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