Friday, July 23, 2010

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- July 23, 2010

A convoy of Soviet armoured vehicles crossing a bridge at the Soviet-Afghan border, May 21, 1988, during the withdrawal of the Red Army from Afghanistan. Photo from Britannica

The Realist Prism: The Najibullah Exit Strategy in Afghanistan -- World Politics Daily

The 2014 Afghan security plan unveiled by President Hamid Karzai this week at the international conference in Kabul raises once again the question of whether the U.S. and NATO are moving towards a 21st century variant of the "Najibullah strategy" as they seek to determine their end game in Afghanistan.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

China’s Dangerous Arrogance -- Patrick Cronin & Paul Giarra, The Diplomat

Stop Hyperventilating: Obama Will Not Choose War with Iran -- Steve Clemons, Washington Note

India ignoring Washington as it woos Iran -- Harsh V. Pant, Japan Times

Hitting Tehran in the tank
-- Washington Times editorial

Turkey means business in Kurdistan -- Justin Vela, Asia Times

Obama's failure in Burma -- Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Washington Post

India's counter-insurgency conundrum
-- Praveen Swami, The Hindu

Imminent war in Sudan? Not exactly. -- Marc Gustafson, Christian Science Monitor

U.S. needs to carefully plot engagement with Russia -- Samuel Charap, Washington Post

Suicide: The War Away From the Battlefields -- New York Times editorial

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