Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Adolf Hitler Was Not Respected By His Fellow Soldiers In Wolrd War One

Adolf Hitler was a frontline soldier during World War I
Adolf Hitler (front row, far left) served on the western front in World War I and during the course of the war was twice decorated for service, wounded, and temporarily blinded in a mustard gas attack. He used his veteran status in later election campaigns. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md.

Adolf Hitler A War Hero? Anything But, Said First World War Comrades -- The Guardian

Unpublished letters and diaries from List regiment soldiers portray Hitler as a loner, an object of ridicule and 'a rear area pig'

Adolf Hitler's rabid antisemitism and virulent nationalism were not directly prompted by his experiences on the western front in the first world war, historical research suggests.

Unpublished letters and a diary written by veterans of Hitler's wartime regiment are among newly unearthed documents that challenge previous notions about how the conflict shaped the future dictator's views.

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My Comment: He may have been a 'lousy' soldier .... but he definitely was not a lousy political organizer nor a lousy leader who could motivate men and women (all be it from a fanatical viewpoint) to die for him. I take these 'newly discovered' documents with a grain of salt.

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