Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- August 10, 2010

(Click Image to Enlarge)
Peace Park, Hiroshima

Should Obama Visit Hiroshima? -- Todd Crowell, Real Clear World

TOKYO - President Barack Obama will have to deftly navigate an atomic minefield if he decides to visit Hiroshima, the city destroyed by the first atomic bomb 65 years ago, during his visit to Japan later this year.

The president is bound to step on one or two land mines whether or not he goes to Hiroshima. Even if he should do nothing but stand silently and be photographed looking at Atom Dome, the iconic emblem of the bombing, he could earn some criticism.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

The Mideast ‘peace process’ could end in permanent war -- Shlomo Ben-Ami, Middle East

War is on the Way in the middle East -- Joshua Muravchik, World Affairs

The Iraqi Who Knew Too Much: Why is Saddam's oil minister still in prison? -- Charles Duelfer, Foreign Policy

Weary of floods and violence: Pakistan anticipates the end of Western presence
-- Arnaud De Borchgrave, Washington Times

Iran-Saudi rivalry deepens -- Richard Javad Heydarian, Asia Times

Drought, Fire and Grain in Russia -- Lauren Goodrich, Real Clear World/Stratfor

Taliban X: The next generation of terrorists
-- Sara A. Carter, Washington Examiner

WikiLeaks' blow to the surge -- Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post

The Downsizing of American Foreign Policy
-- Michael Mandelbaum, The New Republic

Are the American people obsolete? -- Michael Lind, Salon

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