Monday, October 18, 2010

Chinese - Japanese Relations Still Frosty

Policemen intercept protesters during an anti-Japan protest over the ownership of a chain of islands, on a street in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Oct.18. Reuters

Beijing Allows Anti-Japanese Sentiment To Flare In China Amid Massive Protests -- Christian Science Monitor

Protests in China and Japan over a disputed chain of islands in the East China Sea erupted this weekend and spilled over into Monday, highlighting ongoing bilateral tensions.

Days of heated protests in both China and Japan over the ownership of a chain of islands are fueling tensions between the old foes.

It was near the disputed islands, referred to as Diaoyu in China but as Senkaku in Japan, that a Chinese fishing boat collided with two Japanese military vessels on Sept. 8. Japan detained the crew and diplomatic relations quickly broke down, with Beijing suspending ministerial-level talks with Tokyo.

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More News on Chinese - Japanese Relations

Thousands in Chinese provinces stage anti-Japan protests -- L.A. Times
Japanese prime minister demands China stop violent protests -- The Telegraph
China allows rowdy anti-Japanese protests -- AP
China Allows Rowdy Anti-Japanese Protests -- China Digital Times
Protests in China worry Japanese companies -- UPI
Chinese, Japanese Stage Protests Over East China Sea Islands -- Voice of America
Japan leaders 'broke secret islet pact with China' -- AFP
Chinese protests hinder plans to mend bilateral ties -- Daily Yomiuri

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