Saturday, October 9, 2010

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- October 9, 2010

Top U.S. Goal In Afghanistan Ought To Be Capturing Bin Laden -- Jack Devine, Washington Post

There is no doubt that Osama bin Laden is foremost on the minds of the courageous CIA and Special Forces officers in Afghanistan who are looking for him. Where he hasn't appeared lately is in the debates about what the United States is trying to achieve in Afghanistan and whether our emphasis should be on counterinsurgency and nation-building or on counterterrorism.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Afghanistan must embrace women's rights -- Laura Bush, Washington Post

Beijing values the Nobels. That's why this hurts -- Julia Lovell, The Independent

Liu Xiaobo -- New York Times editorial

Chinese dissident's Peace Prize honors all such activists -- Washington Post editorial

Unraveling the torture knot -- Tim Rutten, L.A. Times

Don’t Try Terrorists, Lock Them Up -- Jack Goldsmith, New York Times

A Puzzle in Pyongyang: Kim Jong Un's ascension in North Korea poses as many questions as it answers. -- Rudiger Frank, Foreign Policy

Unthinkable? L'entente militaire -- Guardian editorial

E.U. achievements refute critics' claims of failure
-- Joao Vale Almeida, Washington Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hogwash from those barbarians who did the inside job of 9/11...OBL is dead since DEC 2001.