Saturday, October 9, 2010

German Intelligence Is Tracking 45 Terror Suspects

German Terror Connection Grows; 45 More Suspects Being Tracked -- ABC News

US Says 'Other Sources' Corroborate Claims of German al Qaeda Member in Custody

The claims of a captured German al Qaeda recruit about a multi-city plot against Europe have been bolstered by other "highly reliable" sources of information, US and German intelligence officials said Thursday.

The captured German, Ahmed Siddiqui, told American interrogators at the Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan that Osama bin Laden had personally blessed the plan, officials said.

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My Comment: Only 45? I suspect that this number is much larger .... and that when one looks at other countries in Europe for Al Qaeda sympathizers, the numbers start to get frightening.


Mark said...

when the numbers increase, the gloves will come off, even publicly..

Anonymous said...

The numbers of people questioning the phony war on terror will rise exponentially with will you deal with that...? With more inside jobs a la 9/11 and more false flag attacks....