Saturday, October 9, 2010

Will The Pentagon - National Security Adviser's Relations Be Cordial?

President Obama comments on the resignation of National Security Adviser James Jones (l.), as Jones's successor, Tom Donilon, watches at the White House Friday. Jim Young/Reuters

Does Pentagon Trust Tom Donilon, New National Security Adviser? -- Christian Science Monitor

Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he works well with new National Security Adviser Tom Donilon. But reports suggest there has been friction between Donilon and the Pentagon in the past.

The resignation of Gen. James Jones as national security adviser and his replacement with Tom Donilon marks the rise of someone who is already well known and respected within the White House.

Not only was Mr. Donilon Jones's deputy overseeing the White House national security staff, he is a longtime Washington insider who President Obama described Friday as “one of my closest advisers."

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My Comment: I expect a "lack of enthusiasm" to now exist between the Pentagon and the President's National Security adviser. Some things have been said publicly by people like Sec. of Defense Gates on the incoming National Security adviser .... and you cannot take it back.

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