Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A New European - Russian Alliance?

At Deauville, Europe Embraces Russia -- New York Times

PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany have had their differences over the years, but on one thing they appear to agree: if Europe wants to remain relevant in the world and maintain peace in its own backyard, it needs Russia.

On Monday, as the French and German leaders began two days of talks with their Russian counterpart on the Normandy coast, diplomats and foreign policy observers said conditions might now be in place for a closer, if informal strategic dialogue between Europe and Moscow.

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More News On European - Russian Cooperation

Deauville summit: Europe seeks security
-- RIA Novosti
Medvedev meets Sarkozy and Merkel for security talks -- RFI
Russian-German-French talks -- Isria
Under terrorist cloud, Medvedev, Merkel and Sarkozy meet for security summit -- RT

Russia Weighing NATO Missile Defense Offer -- Global Security Newswire
Russia considering proposal to join missile shield -- AP
Russia Considering Proposal To Join Missile Shield -- NPR

Russia to attend Nato summit -- Financial Times
Russia to attend NATO summit and talk missiles -- AFP
Russia to join NATO summit in Lisbon -- CBC

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