Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- October 19, 2010

Osama Bin Laden

Why U.S. Can't Find Osama Bin Laden -- Peter Bergen, CNN

(CNN) -- American taxpayers have forked over around half a trillion dollars to U.S. intelligence services since the 9/11 attacks, yet nearly a decade after al Qaeda assaults on New York and Washington, the American intelligence community still cannot answer the most basic of questions:

Where is Osama bin Laden? Where is his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri? And where is Taliban leader Mullah Omar?

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Can Cellphones Bring Justice in Afghanistan? -- Danger Room

U.S. Trying to "Kill Its Way Out" of Afghan War? -- CBS

Sedwill on Afghanistan -- War Is Boring

Shift in Momentum in Afghanistan -- Max Boot, Commentary Magazine

Petraeus rewrites the playbook in Afghanistan -- David Ignatius, Washington Post

Time to Talk to the Taliban -- Richard Barrett, New York Times

Planning a Military Campaign to Support Negotiations in Afghanistan -- Dr. Bernard I. Finel, Small Wars Journal

Yemen, 10 Reasons to Worry -- Small Wars Journal

Planned Mosque Sparks Controversy in Russia -- Maxim Kireev in Moscow, Spiegel Online

U.K. Defence cuts: will the US now give up on us? -- The Guardian opinion

Defence cuts spark questions on U.K. global status -- AFP

Currency war could have a heavy price for everyone -- China Post

Telling Secrets -- Steven Aftergood, Foreign Policy

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