Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yemen Continues Its War Against Al Qaeda Militants

Local War In Southern Yemen Pits Government Against Militants -- Christian Science Monitor

The Yemeni government launched air strikes against suspected Al Qaeda militants in southern Yemen's Abyan province this weekend.

A war has broken out in volatile southern Yemen between the government and local militants, further threatening the Arab world's poorest country.

This weekend, the government launched air strikes in the Abyan city of Moudia, which followed last month's aerial raids on a suspected Al Qaeda stronghold in neighboring Shabwa province. And since the fighting erupted in August, there have been nearly weekly skirmishes between soldiers and militants the government says belong to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

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More News On Yemen's War Against Islamic Radicals

Yemen Says Offensive Has Cornered Militants -- Wall Street Journal
At Least 6 Militants Killed as Operations against Al-Qaeda Continue in Abyan -- Yemen post
Qaeda fighting 'guerrilla war in southern Yemen' -- AFP
Hundreds flee Yemeni assault on al-Qaida fighters -- AP
300 families flee military campaign targeting al Qaeda in Yemen -- CNN
YEMEN: Air strikes against Al Qaeda follow bloody week -- L.A. Times
Yemeni planes bomb al Qaeda in south after ambush -- Reuters
Saudi says it warned of al-Qaida threat from Yemen -- AP
Yemen sentences al Qaeda bomb-maker to death -- Reuters
Yemen sentences convicted Qaeda bombmaker to death -- AFP

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