Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Four Legged Hero

Marine Cpl. Brian Holm with King Cole, a bomb-sniffing Labrador retriever. Cole was killed Oct. 14 when he tripped an improvised explosive device while on patrol with Holm in Afghanistan. Three Marines, including Holm, were wounded and Cole and another dog were killed. Holm credits Cole with saving his life by distracting the Taliban guerillas who had ambushed Holm's unit.

Champion-Bred Retriever Dies Saving Marines -- Marine Times

Cole was born for sport, but died in battle. The spawn of two champion black Labrador retrievers, he was bred for field trials, a competitive sport in which dogs make complicated retrievals at the direction of their owners.

But destiny had other plans for him. He was donated to the Marine Corps and spent the last of his days saving lives by sniffing out improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan.

In Cole’s last moments, as Cpl. Brian Holm’s three-man unit searched for mines along a dangerous road near Delaram, in Helmand province, the black Lab looked over his shoulder at Holm, his handler. Holm later told his wife, Brittany, that he will never forget the look on Cole’s face. It seemed to say, “I won’t let them hurt you.”

Then the explosion hit.

Read more ....

My Comment: Treat them right, and a dog will always give you unconditional love. In this case .... Cole gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Update: Nothing Sniffs Out Roadside Bombs Like a Dog's Nose -- AolNews

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