Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is The U.S. State-Secrets Privilege About To Be Derailed?

The entrance of the US Supreme Court in Washington. Newscom

Supreme Court: Is US Unfairly Hiding Behind State-Secrets Privilege? -- Christian Science Monitor

Since 1953, the US has been able to derail lawsuits it says could reveal state secrets. The Supreme Court will look at a case Tuesday that questions whether the privilege is being applied properly.

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday takes up a case examining whether the government properly invoked the state-secrets privilege to dismiss a civil lawsuit in a multibillion dollar defense contract dispute.

The case is being closely followed because it could result in the high court clarifying the scope of the executive branch’s power to side-step the court system whenever officials claim sensitive national security information is at risk.

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My Comment: This is long overdue. People in power tend to hide their mistakes by using this States-Secret privilege to hide it .... what is my take .... there must be a structure in place to provide oversight and to insure that such abuses are stopped. Will they do it .... the Supreme Court is going to give us a heads up on what will be happening when they eventually make their ruling.

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