Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Fears Of Future Cyber-Attacks Being Voiced

The report's co-author Professor Peter Sommer, of the London School of Economics, also said that lurid language and poor analysis were inhibiting government planning for cyber protection. Photo: ALAMY

Cyber-Attacks Could Cause Global 'Catastrophe' -- The Telegraph

Coordinated attacks on critical computer systems could create a perfect storm with "catastrophic" global effects, a study found today.

A succession of multiple cyber-attacks could "become a full-scale global shock" on a par with a pandemic and the collapse of the world financial system, the report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said.

Contingency plans to recover systems should be put in place and cybersecurity policies should "encompass the needs of all citizens and not just central government facilities", the report said.

Read more ....

My Comment: This is a line to remember from this report ....

.... Coordinated attacks on critical computer systems could create a perfect storm ....

Hmmmm .... a perfect storm. This I have to see because I am very skeptical that it is possible with today's current state of technology.

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