Friday, January 7, 2011

More Reports Of Mass Rape Being Reported In Congo's War Zone

Photo: Women denounce sexual violence in an October march in the Democratic Republic of the Congo city of Bukavu.

More Than 30 Women Raped And Beaten In DR Congo Attack -- The Guardian

Médicins Sans Frontiéres says women were restrained with ropes before attack in Fizi, South Kivu, in eastern Congo

More than 30 women were raped in a coordinated attack in the Democratic Republic of Congo on New Year's Day, the aid agency Médecins Sans Frontières has reported.

MSF said 33 women were raped in Fizi, South Kivu, in the eastern part of the war-torn country.

"Women had been restrained with ropes or beaten unconscious with the butt of a gun before being attacked, some in front of their children," said Annemarie Loof, an official with the medical aid organisation. "Up to four armed men were involved at a time and homes and shops were looted," she said in a statement.

Read more ....

Update: Women raped in mass attack in Congo, humanitarian group says -- CNN

My Comment: If they are reporting only 30 rapes .... you know that there are probably hundreds that are not being reported at all.

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