Wednesday, January 5, 2011

South Sudan Prepares For A Vote On Independence

Southern Sudan Chooses: Unity or Secession? -- Voice of America

Sunday's referendum in southern Sudan gives voters a choice between staying united with the rest of Sudan or becoming an independent country.

The poll was agreed to in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement that ended Sudan's 21-year north-south civil war.

Voters entering polling booths will see two symbols. One shows two hands clasped together, symbolizing unity. The other shows the single palm of a hand, symbolizing separation.

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More News On The Southern Sudan

South Sudan prepares for independence vote -- Euronews
Sudan braces for secession poll trouble -- UPI
Mbeki calls Southern Sudan election a 'decisive moment' -- CNN
US confident Sudan vote to go off peacefully -- AFP
U.S. to help south Sudan if it chooses independence -- Reuters
South Sudan needs more aid for returnees-relief groups -- Reuters
South Sudan referendum: could it be tip of iceberg of other issues? -- Xinhuanet
Oil and power at center of vote to split Sudan -- CNN

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