Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Year Of Discontent Expected As World Food Prices Reach Record Levels

Global Food-Price Index Hits Record -- Wall Street Journal

LONDON—Global food prices hit a record high in December and are likely to continue rising in the year ahead due to inclement weather, raising the possibility of a repeat of civil unrest that erupted in emerging nations when prices last surged.

"The longer [food prices] remain high, the longer there is a possibility of a repeat of 2007 and 2008" food riots, said Abdolreza Abbassian, a senior economist at the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization, in an interview Wednesday.

Global food prices rose 4.3% in December from the previous month, according to the FAO's monthly food-price index published Wednesday.

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My Comment: We have been fortunate in food production and being able to transport to areas of need. But with prices going up .... and they are in places like India and China where the demand for a Western diet is only increasing .... this impact will soon be felt globally.

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