Thursday, January 27, 2011

Suicide Bombers Trained In Pakistan Responsible For Moscow Airport Bomb Attack

Moscow Airport Bomb: Suicide Bombers Were Part Of Squad Trained In Pakistan -- The Telegraph

The two suicide bombers who carried out the Moscow attack were thought to be part of a suicide squad trained in Pakistan's al-Qaeda strongholds sent to the capital to target the city's transport system.

Russian security services warned in December that there were two attack teams primed to carry out attacks, sparking fears there could still be terrorists at large who were prepared to carry out another attack.

Intelligence sources said that one of the squads was likely to have established a base, at a house in Moscow, where the suicide belts to be used in attacks were assembled.

Read more ....

Update: Informants had warned of plan to attack a Moscow airport -- Sydney Morning Herald

My Comment: If these reports are true, it indicates a massive intelligence failure on the part of the Russians.


nazia said...

great video i like it and i hope that you will share more like this video share

Unknown said...

let's not forget that they must also deal with thousands of reports daily, and im sure that even these extremists must make false reports to cause diversion, but the intelligence service must filter the reports and make sure its a real threat before acting because they cant be at every reported location at the same time.

but yes it is a delicate situation, but it is the same for 97% of all extremists attacks, including WTC, PARIS, RUSSIA, IRAQ, PAKISTAN and other places, the counter-terrorism intelligence knew about it in advance but put yourself in their shoes, they are dealing with budget cuts already imagine that, and only 1% of all reported cases actually happened, so dealing with a 99% to 1% is very hard to work with.

Unknown said...

its just an opinion though

War News Updates Editor said...

I agree with your assessment David. Counter terrorism is not not an easy job, and with limited resources the job becomes even more difficult because the manpower is not there to track down leads.

Still .... I would not be surprised that when the final report on the Moscow bombing is released, they will be talking about "intelligence failures".

Unknown said...

absolutely, don't forget one thing about world order, we always need someone to take the blame. ALWAYS.