KANDAHAR OVERLOOK - U.S. Army Spc. Jeremy Burton pulls security for patrolling soldiers from a cliff, which overlooks the Arghandab River valley in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, Jan. 31, 2011. Burton is assigned to the 4th Infantry Division's Company C., 1st Battalion, 66th Armored Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Breanne Pye
As Egypt Remains An Open Question, Progress Is Seen In Afghanistan -- Max Boot, Commentary Magazine
Egypt has dominated the news for the last few weeks — understandably so. The events taking place there are of great importance not only for Egypt but for the United States as well. But amid the focus on the continuing Egyptian revolution, one of the subjects that has gotten lost is Afghanistan. That’s not a bad thing, because when Afghanistan makes news, it usually tends to mean that something bad has occurred; counterinsurgency is a time-intensive, difficult task that is easier to carry out without the kind of white-hot media glare that Iraq, for example, received. But there have been several important articles in recent days that highlight some of the progress that U.S. forces are making in Afghanistan, as well as the obstacles that remain:
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Demise of the Dictators -- Fouad Ajami, Newsweek
Sudan's Bashir vows to accept an independent south -- Elizabeth Dickinson, Foreign Policy
China's Makes a Play for the Arctic: A Snow Dragon in the Arctic -- Joseph Spears, Asia Times
What is behind the latest Thailand-Cambodian conflict? -- The Telegraph
Q+A: Why are Thai and Cambodian troops fighting? -- Reuters
Q+A: Preah Vihar temple and Thai-Cambodian tension -- Reuters
David Cameron’s Warning -- Peter Wehner, Commentary Magazine
Future in Arab region up for grabs -- David Gardner, Financial Times
Reminder from Egypt: The age of oil isn't going away -- Robert Samuelson, Washington Post
At Ground Zero, a sham memorial: A victim's brother says the plans insult our history -- Michael Burke, New York Daily News
Ft. Hood's victims: sacrificed for PC -- Michael A. Walsh, New York Post
Is The Huffington Post really worth $315 million? -- Emma Barnett, The Telegraph
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials On The Unrest In Egypt
Change in Egypt Doesn’t Make an Unlikely Peace Plan Any More Likely -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary Magazine
Egypt: Both sides 'playing for time' -- BBC
Q&A: Who's taking the lead in Egypt's crisis? -- Reuters
Egypt's real parallel to Iran's revolution -- Fareed Zakari, Washington Post
As Mubarak Recedes, Egypt's Police State Persists -- Abigail Hauslohner, Time Magazine
Egypt's rooftop revolutionaries -- Al Jazeera
Egyptian crisis: Dithering White House all at sea -- Ewen MacAskill, The Guardian
U.S.-Egypt Relations Under Attack -- Ion Mihai Pacepa, American Thinker
Between Mubarak and a Hard Place -- Ben Stein, American Spectator
Egypt: The Iran of the West? -- Robert Maginnis, Human Events
'We Could Experience an Arab Spring' -- Spiegel Online
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