Friday, February 11, 2011

Concerns That North Korea May Provoke More Future Attacks Against The South

Photo: Blackout: While South Korea is a blaze of light, there's barely a glimmer in North Korea. Photo from The Daily Mail

Intel Head Warns Of New North Korean Attacks -- Global Security Newswire

U.S. National Intelligence Director James Clapper yesterday said North Korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons coupled with last year's attacks on South Korea are indicators of jeopardy for the fragile stalemate that has governed the Korean Peninsula for nearly 50 years, Reuters reported (see GSN, Feb. 10).

"As demonstrated by North Korean attacks on the South Korean ship Cheonan in March 2010 and Yeonpyeong Island in November, North Korea is capable of conducting military operations that could potentially threaten regional stability," the Obama administration's top intelligence official said during a hearing on Capitol Hill.

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More News On Concerns That North Korea Will Launch Future Attacks Against The South

US National Intelligence Chief: North Korean Future Provocations Likely -- RTT News
N.Korea 'Could Launch More Provocations' -- Chosun Ilbo
'North Korea could attack South again' -- Korea Times
S Intelligence Chief: N. Korea Could Conduct Further Provocations -- Arirang

My Comment: With millions at risk from starvation in North Korea, I would not be surprised if they would contemplate another 'provocation'. North Korea is North Korea .... with that country anything is possible.

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