Friday, February 11, 2011

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- February 11, 2011

Egypt And The Future Of Arab Democracy: Get Rid Of Islamists, And Freedom Will Thrive -- Charles Krauthammer, New York Daily News

Today, everyone and his cousin supports the "freedom agenda." Of course, yesterday it was just George W. Bush, Tony Blair and a band of neocons with unusual hypnotic powers who dared challenge the received wisdom of Arab exceptionalism - the notion that Arabs, as opposed to East Asians, Latin Americans, Europeans and Africans, were uniquely allergic to democracy. Indeed, the left spent the better part of the Bush years excoriating the freedom agenda as either fantasy or yet another sordid example of U.S. imperialism.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Al Qaeda’s emerging Africa enterprise -- Steven L. Katz, The Washington Times

In the Shadows With Counterterrorism Czar John Brennan, Obama's Secret Weapon -- Michael Crowley, Time Magazine

The Realist Prism: Afghanistan, Out of Sight, Out of Mind? -- Nikolas Gvosdev, World Politics Review

Signs of Change in Europe Regarding Israel? -- Evelyn Gordon, Commentary

Nationalism fuels Thai-Cambodian conflict -- Julie Masis, Asia Times

When Freedom Is Bad for Business. How the U.S. invasion made Iraq’s economy worse, not better -- Megan McArdle, The Atlantic

Is Japan Headed for Government Shutdown? -- Todd Crowell, Real Clear World

Hyperinflation is A Small Price to Pay? -- Monty Pelerin, American Thinker

Commentaries, Opinions, Editorials, And Analysis

Egypt Makes History, but Future Still Cloudy -- CBS News
Forget the Facebook idealists. It's the Brotherhood we should fear -- The Daily Mail
Mubarak stepping down in Egypt: Was it a coup? -- Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor
After Mubarak's ouster, Egypt's days of revolt shift to party of vast proportions -- Max Strasser, Christian Science Monitor
Mubarak steps down. What comes next for the Egyptian revolution? -- Dan Murphy, Christian Science Monitor
The Tweet Is Mightier than the Sword -- Max Boot, Commentary Magazine
Middle East after Hosni Mubarak: impact of a revolution -- Roger Hardy, BBC
Now that Mubarak is gone, what’s next for Egypt? -- National Post
Mubarak Leaves at Last -- Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy
Where next for Hosni Mubarak? Wealth and fears of prosecution will dictate future -- Richard Wachman and Ian Black, The Guardian
Who Lost Egypt: Not Obama for Sure -- Aaron David Miller, Foreign Policy
Mubarakism Without Mubarak: Why Egypt’s Military Will Not Embrace Democracy -- Ellis Goldberg, Foreign Affairs
Lights Out for the Middle East’s Christians? -- Rich Lowry, National Review

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