Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt's Unrest And Revolution Has Put The White House In Disarray

Crisis Flummoxes White House -- Wall Street Journal

President Mubarak's Refusal to Step Down Signals a Loss of Western Influence; Sense of 'Disbelief' After Speech.

WASHINGTON—The defiant tone taken by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak—and widespread confusion about the meaning of his speech—had White House officials stumbling for their next step in a crisis that was spinning out of their control.

Egyptian officials said Mr. Mubarak gave the Obama administration much of what it wanted: the delegation of presidential powers to the vice president, Omar Suleiman.

They said Mr. Mubarak had all but been rendered a figurehead leader, precisely the formulation set out by U.S. officials over the weekend.

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My Comment: This has not been the White House's finest hour, and I am still waiting to hear some definitive word from the administration on how events in Egypt are going to impact U.S. interest in the region. Hmmmm .... I have a suspicion that I am going to wait a long time.

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