Monday, March 7, 2011

A Hillary Doctrine?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Abu Dhabi in January. Stephanie Sinclair for Newsweek

The Hillary Doctrine -- Newsweek

In a time of momentous change in the world, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sets out on her most heartfelt mission: to put women and girls at the forefront of the new world order.

Hillary Clinton seemed to be in a rare moment of repose while the Middle East erupted. She’d just returned from a surprise trip to Yemen and now sat for 30 minutes against a blue backdrop in the State Department’s Washington broadcast studio as reports streamed in of Libya’s violent crackdown on its own people.

Read more ....

My Comment: Another fawning puff piece from the main stream media on one of the Clintons .... but in this Newsweek piece .... quite frankly .... they have gone waayyyy over the top with absolutely little (if any) critical analysis on Sec. of State Clinton's tenure at the State Department.

Still .... I am an admirer on her work ethic and her determination to have an impact on U.S. foreign policy .... unfortunately .... the State Department has been ineffective in having any influence on the Arab uprisings, and pushing agendas such as women's issues in places like the Middle East will have zero impact long after she is gone.

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