Monday, March 7, 2011

How Did The SAS Operation In Libya Go All Wrong

Libya: Inside The SAS Operation That Went Wrong -- The Telegraph

As the diplomatic team in Libya were rescued by HMS Cumberland after their humiliating capture, the Ministry of Defence was left trying to work out what on earth went wrong.

When the helicopter touched down outside Benghazi in the early hours of Friday morning, the SAS troops on board knew they were entering a volatile situation.

Tasked with escorting a diplomat to meet rebel Libyan forces and assessing the humanitarian situation on the ground, they did not, however, expect a hostile reception.

With the British Government openly rejecting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and already in dialogue with opposition leaders, it should have been an uncontroversial visit.

Read more

Update: SAS and MI6 officers released by Libya's rebel commanders -- The Guardian

My Comment
: My prediction .... in future SAS and MI6 classes they are going to use this experience as a case study on how NOT TO run an operation.

If there is any consolation, at least pictures of these SAS detainees are not splashed on every newspaper and news service in the world.

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