Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Japanese Nuclear Disaster Getting Worse -- News Roundup March 29, 2011

Japan May Have Lost Race To Save Nuclear Reactor -- The Guardian

Fukushima meltdown fears rise after radioactive core melts through vessel – but 'no danger of Chernobyl-style catastrophe'

The radioactive core in a reactor at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant appears to have melted through the bottom of its containment vessel and on to a concrete floor, experts say, raising fears of a major release of radiation at the site.

The warning follows an analysis by a leading US expert of radiation levels at the plant. Readings from reactor two at the site have been made public by the Japanese authorities and Tepco, the utility that operates it.

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More News On Japan's Nuclear Disaster

Japan vows to review nuclear safety standards -- Yahoo News/AP
Japan on "maximum alert" as plutonium found in soil near nuclear plant -- The Telegraph
Japan nuclear: PM Naoto Kan signals 'maximum alert' -- BBC
Radioactive Plutonium Found in Soil Around Damaged Japanese Nuclear Plant -- Voice of America
Japan struggles to contain radiactive spread at stricken plant -- Washington post
Radioactive water leaking to tunnels under Japanese nuclear plant -- L.A. Times
Expert: Info released to public on radiation too confusing -- Stars And Stripes/AP
Plutonium at Fukushima dangerous: Russian expert -- The Hindu
Q&A: Plutonium detected at Fukushima -- The Guardian
Vanishing act by Japanese executive during nuclear crisis raises questions -- Washington Post

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