Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Submarines Becoming The Boat Of Choice For Colombian Cocaine Smugglers

Photo: Drug traffickers have been using submarines like this one, which the Colombian navy found in February. Luca Zanetti

The Cocaine Wars: Invasion Of The Drug Submarines -- Time Magazine

In recent years, the boat of choice for Colombian cocaine smugglers has been the semisubmersible, a vessel that cruises just below the ocean's surface with only its air and exhaust pipes sticking out of the water. Since the semisubs have proved so successful at dodging interdiction, it seemed inevitable that traffickers — who in the past have commandeered entire passenger jets to move their product — would upgrade to even more elusive full-fledged submarines. But narco U-boats were a murky legend of the depths, the drug-cartel version of the Loch Ness monster.

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My Comment: These submarines are flimsy but they are not cheap to put together. These seizures are giving a good indication on how much the drug gangs are profiting from their activities, and having a submarine (or fleet of submarines) ..... is just a means to do business.

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