Monday, March 28, 2011

Obama Defends U.S. Military Campaign In Libya

Obama Defends Military Campaign In Libya -- L.A. Times

The president says in a TV address that the U.S.-led effort helped prevent a humanitarian crisis that would have 'stained the conscience of the world.'

Reporting from Washington — In his first major speech to the nation since the operation was launched more than a week ago, President Obama said progress had been made in preventing a humanitarian crisis in Libya thanks to the American-led effort.

Outlining his decision in a nationally-televised addressed, the president said the United States and the world "faced a choice" when confronted with a dictator bent on killing his own citizens.

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More News On President Obama's National Address On U.S. Military Involvement In Libya

Text Of Obama's Speech On Libya: 'A Responsibility To Act' -- NPR

Obama strongly defends US military action in Libya -- Yahoo News/AP
Obama seeks to define Libya goals and exit plan -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Obama 'we stopped massacre in Libya' -- Yahoo News/AFP

Obama offers forceful defense of Libya action -- CBS News
Obama: We should not be afraid to act -- CBS
Obama makes his case for U.S. intervention in Libya -- CNN
Obama: U.S. Has 'Stopped Qaddafi's Deadly Advance' in Libya -- FOX News
Libya: Obama defends war, insists US role is limited -- BBC
Obama Defends US Involvement in Libyan Air Campaign -- Voice of America
Obama Seeks to Bolster Public Support -- Wall Street Journal
Obama: ‘We Have Responsibility to Act’ -- Wall Street Journal
Obama seeks to define Libya goals, exit plan -- Reuters

FACT CHECK: How Obama's Libya claims fit the facts -- Seattle PI/AP
Obama's Libya Speech: America's "Unique Role" in the World -- Michael Crowley, Swampland/Time
President Obama’s Libya speech: First Thoughts -- Chris Cillizza, Washington Post
Obama's Libya Speech: Libya is no Iraq -- Glenn Thrush, Politico
Analyst view: Obama sets out Libya strategy -- MSNBC/Reuters
Obama Speaks on Libya, but Path From Here Is Unclear -- Gerald F. Seib, Wall Street Journal
Obama's dilemma: Is Libya mission a success if Qaddafi stays? -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor

Poll: Americans Split on Libyan Military Involvement -- Voice of America
Military action in Libya: Polls show public skepticism -- Washington Post

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