Monday, March 28, 2011

Jordan Teetering On Civil War?

Jordan Teetering On Civil War, Local Analysts Say -- Jerusalem Post

Violence in weekend’s demonstrations, which left one dead and 120 wounded, viewed as watershed moment in the kingdom's history.

Jordan's social cohesion is quickly unraveling, local experts warn, following violent demonstrations in the kingdom and an obtuse government response to public demands for change.

One protester was killed and 120 wounded in the bloodiest demonstrations yet to take place in the kingdom since popular protests began sweeping through the Middle East in January.

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More News On The Unrest In Jordan

Jordan tensions threaten political stability -- Channel News Asia
Jordan PM accuses Muslim Brotherhood over riots -- Ynet News
Jordan's Islamists urge government to resign -- Sify News
Jordan king urges unity after unrest -- AFP
Hundreds Gather to Mourn Jordanian Protester -- Voice of America
At least 1,000 attend burial of Jordan protester -- AFP
Jordan's urgent need to restore calm on streets -- National editorial

My Comment: I have trouble seeing Jordan plunging into civil war .... but then again .... three months ago the last thing that was in my mind was the prospect of the Middle East being inflamed with the spirit of revolution that it is experiencing today.

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