Monday, March 28, 2011

There Are Not Enough RAF Pilots For Libyan operations

A British Tornado GR4. AFP

Shortage Of RAF Pilots For Libya As Defence Budget Cuts Bite -- The Telegraph

The RAF risks running short of pilots for operations over Libya as cuts to the defence budget threaten to undermine front-line operations, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

Since the conflict began, a squadron of 18 RAF Typhoon pilots has enforced the Libya no-fly zone from an air base in southern Italy. However, a shortage of qualified fighter pilots means the RAF may not have enough to replace all of them when the squadron has to rotate in a few weeks.

The situation is so serious that the RAF has halted the teaching of trainee Typhoon pilots so instructors can be drafted on to the front line, according to air force sources. The handful of pilots used for air shows will also be withdrawn from displays this summer.

The shortage has arisen because cuts to the defence budget over the past decade have limited the number of pilots who have been trained to fly the new Typhoon.

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My Comment: This is what happens when you go to war on a budget .... and for Britain they are now at the edge.

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