Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What Is North Korea's Kim Jong-il Dreaming About?

Kim Jong-Il. Photo: REUTERS

Kim Jong-il 'Dreamed Of being Stoned' -- The Telegraph

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il had nightmares of being stoned by angry members of the public.

The dictator told the late founder of the Hyundai group, Chung Ju-Yung, of having a dream that he was being stoned "first by Americans, second by South Koreans and finally by North Koreans," said Mr Chung's son, Chung Mong-Joon.

"I think Kim wanted to express that he was well aware of the desperate reality of North Korea," the younger Mr Chung said.

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My Comment: He clearly does not go to bed each night with peace of mind.

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