Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Would Gaddafi Accept An Offer To Leave Libya?

The relentless pressure on Gaddafi and his allies is beginning to take its toll Photo: REUTERS

Diplomats Discuss Libya's Future As Italy Plots Gaddafi's Escape Route -- The Guardian

Rome is negotiating an African haven for the Libyan leader as international pressure mounts on him to go.

Efforts appear to be under way to offer Muammar Gaddafi a way of escape from Libya, with Italy saying it was trying to organise an African haven for him, and the US signalling it would not try to stop the dictator from fleeing.

The move came amid mounting diplomatic and military pressure on Gaddafi as Britain tries to assemble a global consensus demanding he surrender power while intensifying air strikes against his forces. An international conference in London – including the UN, Arab states, the African Union, and more than 40 foreign ministers – will focus on co-ordinating assistance in the face of a possible humanitarian disaster and building a unified international front in condemnation of the Gaddafi regime and in support of Nato-led military action in Libya.

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My Comment: Gaddafi is 69 years old .... and like former President Mubarak in Egypt .... he must be realizing that he is too old to continue living like this. But would he take an offer to leave .... hmmmm .... everything inside of me tells me no .... but what I think will eventually make him change his mind will be the advice (and pressure) that he will receive from his family and closest allies. They must realize what will happen if they continue to fight .... they are outnumbered and outgunned .... and with time the coalition's air superiority will eventually wipe out the rest of the military that is still loyal to him. If I am a betting man, I will make the prediction that this fight is going to end by the end of April .... if not sooner .... and Gaddafi will either be dead, or living in some neutral African country like Mali.

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