Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why Vietnam Views China As A Threat

Invasion of Vietnam by the People's Republic of China.
February 17 – March 16, 1979

Vietnam Eyes China ‘Threat’ -- Jason Miks, The Diplomat

Southeast Asian nations may be struggling to get their act together over how to present a united front in response to China’s territorial claims, but this isn’t stopping some of them preparing for potential military eventualities.

Jane’s Information Group has compiled data for Vietnam that suggests the country is significantly boosting defence spending this year, in large part because of concerns about China.

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My Comment: Both Vietnam and China have a recent history of war and conflict .... a history that has not been resolved. Add this history to the present territorial disputes and claims on the South China Sea .... it is then not a surprise to see countries like Vietnam looking at China with a sense of apprehension.

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