Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bloodbath Between Syria’s Various Sects Would Likely Follow If Basher Assad Is Overthrown

''Bloodbath' Would Follow Overthrow Of Assad In Syria' -- Jerusalem Post

Observers tell the 'Post' that like Iraq, Syria’s diverse sects could turn on each other once the regime is gone.

The overthrow of Syrian dictator Basher Assad is not yet imminent, but should it occur, a bloodbath between Syria’s various sects would likely follow, leading Israeli experts on Syria told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

As in neighboring Iraq, Syria’s diverse population – made up of Sunni Muslims, Druse, Kurds and other groups, who are ruled by the minority Alawites – could, upon the collapse of the Assad regime, turn on each other in a bloody civil conflict.

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My Comment: The first sect that would be targeted would be the minority Alawites .... and as for the rest .... it all depends on their past history and geography.

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