Friday, April 22, 2011

No 'Silver Bullet' Yet To Stop IED Attacks

Photo from PopSci

No 'Silver Bullet' Yet Found To Stop IED Attacks -- Stars And Stripes

As in Iraq, where it became the most effective weapon of insurgents, the improvised explosive device, or IED, has raised the casualty count significantly for U.S. forces in Afghanistan the past two years.

A surge in ground forces and a change of strategy, to have more U.S. troops dismount from vehicles more to mix with the Afghan populace, has produced a more target-rich environment for homemade bombs.

Read more ....

My Comment: I have doubts that there will ever be a sure fire way to stop most IED attacks from happening .... but dropping the frequency of these attacks is probably 'possible'. What is not helpful is Afghanistan's 'catch and release' program for Taliban bombers.

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