Thursday, April 21, 2011

Foreign Intervention In Libya Is About To Expand

The Libyan Ground Phase Starts -- CDR Salamander

The first step has been taken towards what I was warning about.

In the wake of a plea for help from besieged rebels in the Libyan city of Misurata, three Western powers have announced that they will send military advisors and one said Wednesday that it would step up airstrikes against Moammar Kadafi's military.

Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa said 10 military instructors would be sent and details were being worked out. He spoke Wednesday after meeting with his British counterpart, Liam Fox.

France and Britain had announced earlier that they would send military officers to Libya to help rebel forces organize and bolster the NATO air campaign that has failed to rout Kadafi's military.

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My Comment: Another respected military pundit who is now realizing that a ground intervention by NATO/U.S. forces in Libya will probably be the end result.

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